In principio…. aeternum
In the beginning….forever!
In 2003, Boutique du Vampyre opened to mortals for the first time after centuries of vampire patronage. The decision to open to the general public was made because of the continued hype of nocturnal creatures. From local author Anne Rice with her Vampire Chronicles to Charlaine Harris with True Blood to Stephanie Meyers with Twilight, and on and on, the hype for vampires seemed to be as eternal as the creatures themselves.
Ultimately, vampires mingling with mortals has been a grand success! We hope, whether you are vampire or mortal, you will find a home with us. Come out, come out, into the New Orleans night! Shopping, dining, drinking, fangs or fang repair, psychic readings, and a host of wonderful products from talented artists who keep our Boutique a crowd pleaser.
Vampires may own the night in New Orleans, but we are also open during daylight hours to accommodate those not ready to mingle with the creatures of the night. However, if it’s a vampire experience you crave, we have many options to sate your hunger for adventure.
We are just dying to host you for a bite at our Cafe or Apothecary, or just pop in for a blood bag. Our staff is friendly and fun.